Sunday, August 12, 2012

THE wish list!

So, I have had some friends to blog about wish list for future husbands in the past...

Well I Think it is about time for mine. If you ever want to set me up...use this as a reference.

1) Loves the Lord more than he will EVER love me
2) Will edify my walk with the Lord and lead me well. (someone I can trust my spirtual growth to)
3) A man that wants to serve the Lord and spread his name across the nation.
4) Eph. 5 (ENOUGH SAID)
5) Can understand my sense of humor
6) Loves to laugh
7) Makes me smile
8) EYES! I really like Eyes...and I prefer BLUE or Dark Brown
9) I want a man who can grow a legit Beard. 
10) Not afraid to sing to me
11) Will walk me to my car.
12) Randomly show up where I work with a coffee or a diet coke. (just because)
14) Will watch Girly movies with me.
15) Dare me to go outside my comfort zone
16) Protect me when I am scared.
17) Take me to random playgrounds and swing with me 
18) Talk until 2 a.m. about nothing important
19) Talk until 2 a.m. about things that do matter
20) Take me to concerts
21) Will Go Golfing, hunting, fishing, etc. with my Daddy and Brother-in-law even if they don't like those activites.
22) Enjoys playing monsters with Tripp and Cash as much as I do
23) Will play tea parties with Maggie Grace if she asks.
24) Bear Hugs
25) Wants to change the world