Monday, November 12, 2012

A year without Kisses...

Last night I got the joy of hearing Miss Mo Isom speak to my beautiful Calvary girls. I know they needed to hear a lot of what she had to say. But One thing she talked about stopped me in my tracks.

SHE had a year long intimacy fast. WOW! like Wow, God just spoke to me there and said Ashley this is what I want for you for the next year. I didn't say anything to anyone as I packed my things and drove home with my best friend who had been with me on the trip.

I should explain: 
 The past two years have been rough emotionally. You can see previous post. I have had a roller coaster of emotions that have left a path of destruction in its wake. At the end of my relationship with Mitch I had started down a really dangerous path. A path that isn't easy for me to talk about, But I am coming clean, I had started viewing pornagraphic materials and reading erotic novels. It was a crazy road of conversations that happened between two people who where planning on getting married. Though now I know that those conversations should have never happened. When he broke up that relationship it let a whole in me. A whole I was trying to fill with just about anything. The addiction deepened. 
Then almost exactly a month later I went to visit my sister. A friend not really thinking about what he was saying said something to the effect of I bet you couldn't get "___ _____" to go out with you a 5th time. My brain went all "challenge accepted" and by the time I got back to Amory I had been texting ___ ____ for awhile. I sent many text and had a lot of phone calls to the guy and most nights the conversations sounded more like the books I had been reading than a conversations that a Children Director at a church should be having. We planned to meet to go to a football game. The game would be a middle ground, THEN he suggested that we get a motel room and Then my this is not who I am alarm went off and I ended up lying to him and telling him I was sick...(I was not sick and I still went to the game) There were many other times that we ALMOST meet up between then and January. We still were texting and my addiction to porn was getting stronger. 
In Feb. of 2011 I moved back to Hattiesburg, I was deep into the addiction at that point and NO ONE knew about it. Sometime in March I started talking to my friend Brittni Clark about my addiction. She was a great help she pointed me to a great filter and put in on my computer and keep the password for herself. 
BUT I had another way to have my "fix" I entered into a very unhealthy relationship with a guy I should have Never dated. It was all physical, it was more physical than I ever wanted to go. To say that  I am still a virgin after that relationship is spliting hairs. I pushed every boundary. I was so broken,  I had a need to feel wanted by a man, and even though at that time I was not watching porn I was in deeper than I had ever imagined. I ended that relationship at the beginning of May. But within a week I had contacted "___ ____" and bought a new computer. I needed the computer. But I was not smart. I did not protect my computer. It took me almost 6 months before I would protect my computer. That summer I also got an iPhone so I had two devices that I could watch porn at anytime I wanted. That summer my addiction deepened even more. I was becoming more and more broken. That fall I began as I started getting more and more under conviction about my addiction I started telling my best friends and my sister about my addiction. It still had a hold on my life. I even looked at personal ads and on two occasions almost met up with random guys from the internet. I have had amazing friends who have done their best keep me accountable even when I would hide my actions from them. They have literally taken my smart phone and iPad out of my hands and blocked all questionable websites. They have "grounded" me for going to see "___ ____" But the desire is still in my heart.

I feel like I need to take a fast from guys from the persuit of their attention and from the relationships with them that feed the desires of my addiction. IT will be hard but with God I can do anything.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just how it is...

There are times that I wish I could control my thoughts and anxities more. Like today for example. I am worried that two of my best friends in life right now are mad at me but I have no logically reason to think that they are upset with me. Why am I feeling this way, because they have other things to do today and I am not with them. But normally on a Monday I am at work and I should be enjoying the time alone to rest and just relax but NO! not my brain. My brain goes spinning off into many directions that are irrational and just down right not true. I know that these friends are not like my old friends they really do want to be my friend there is no one telling them they have to like me or that they have to be nice to me. Or that they should spend more time with me because I might rub off on them or some Bull shit crap that always got thrown in the faces of so called "friends" I had when I was younger. Yes I did have some good times with the people who were in my life then. But it wasn't a lasting friendship, I wasn't a friendship that I feel like that would even care to let me know how there life was going. Much less care to know how mine might be. But These friends the ones I am sitting here worried about. They will want me to know what is going on in their life. And I will call them and ask HEY what is going on in your life. How are you spirtual and so on....they then will ask the same questions to me. These are those type of friends the ones that stick around through many seasons. So why am I questioning them in my head today....Because I am crazy. No really I have major trust and anxiety issues that go back 12 or more years. I used to be a very trusting person. But then I realized I didn't really have anyone to trust except my small little family. I love them, but sometimes that just hasn't been enough.....I really do love the friends I have right now. They are amazing and I hate that I put these past experiences on them far to often.

Friday, September 14, 2012

it would have be so easy...

It would have been so easy if I had not cared so much. If I had not loved so much. If I had not placed so much of my life into it. But I had. I had made my whole life revolve around our plan, and what we were going to do. But I thought I was happy, I thought I had it all figured out. I was going to be your wife. You were going to be a doctor, and we were going to be a far away land. But that all changed. You told me one night that you didn't want to make me wait on you to finish school...But I thought that had been my choice. You didn't make me move to my parents. You said you knew that I wanted to be married and that you didn't want to hold me back from that...Ha like getting over you enough to ever love someone enough to marry them would take any less time than it would for you to get out of Med school. So far it has been two years. I still miss is your Birthday. All I want to do is text you and tell you Happy Birthday. Because you were my best friend. But I can't I don't even have your phone number anymore. And you have a girlfriend. I know it is ironic isn't it. The one who didn't want to be in a relationship is in a a relaitonship and the one who wanted a relationship is alone. Yes I have dated and talked to other people since you, but no of those even come close to the connection we had. You could tell what I was about to say over the phone before I said it. I still find it hard to believe that the reasons you gave me were the true reasons you left me. It is even harder to believe them now. I think that is way this has been so hard to get over. Because all of sudden without any warning there she was. It shattered what was left of my heart. I don't know were all the pieces went. I can't find them. I have tried to but them back together and see if someone else would like to try to love it. But they can't, it is to broken, to sharp, it cuts them it they touch it. It wounds them to hold it. So I must start filing away the rough edges. The places you left me bitter and angry. The places that don't want to trust again. Those are the things I need to work on. Then maybe this heart of mine can be held again.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

THE wish list!

So, I have had some friends to blog about wish list for future husbands in the past...

Well I Think it is about time for mine. If you ever want to set me up...use this as a reference.

1) Loves the Lord more than he will EVER love me
2) Will edify my walk with the Lord and lead me well. (someone I can trust my spirtual growth to)
3) A man that wants to serve the Lord and spread his name across the nation.
4) Eph. 5 (ENOUGH SAID)
5) Can understand my sense of humor
6) Loves to laugh
7) Makes me smile
8) EYES! I really like Eyes...and I prefer BLUE or Dark Brown
9) I want a man who can grow a legit Beard. 
10) Not afraid to sing to me
11) Will walk me to my car.
12) Randomly show up where I work with a coffee or a diet coke. (just because)
14) Will watch Girly movies with me.
15) Dare me to go outside my comfort zone
16) Protect me when I am scared.
17) Take me to random playgrounds and swing with me 
18) Talk until 2 a.m. about nothing important
19) Talk until 2 a.m. about things that do matter
20) Take me to concerts
21) Will Go Golfing, hunting, fishing, etc. with my Daddy and Brother-in-law even if they don't like those activites.
22) Enjoys playing monsters with Tripp and Cash as much as I do
23) Will play tea parties with Maggie Grace if she asks.
24) Bear Hugs
25) Wants to change the world