As my lovely sister reminded me yesterday, when Paul wrote "I can do all things through Christ," he was not talking about passing a hard test in school or making a touchdown in the last 5 mins of an important game. Paul was talking about the ups and downs in his life. How he had been beaten and tossed in and out jail. He went through pain and that is what he could do through Christ, we could overcome all the pain and sorrow.
As you all know (or the three of you who currently subscribe) I am hurting right now. I was promised the one thing I had always dreamed about and that was marriage. But I was putting that want and desire before my Jesus. I was wrong in doing that. Neither of us are really ready for the commitment. But neither of us wanted to lose our Best friend. So thankfully Mitch had the courage to hurt me for the better. We are still going to be best friends. We are still talking, it may hurt a little but it would hurt more not talking to him. Now we just have the pressure that we HAVE to talk to each other everynight and that pressure was my fault. But I think this will give us both time to grow up more. We may get back to the kind of relationship we had, or we may not. But in the mean time I am going to relearn how to love Christ with all my heart.